News Flash!!!
Gustoff Zychick undergoes emergency colostomy.
Cousin Chubby refuses doctor's orders to receive stomach bypass.
Fans this is Cousin Chubby, a sad note yesterday Gustoff Zhychick underwent a colostomy after years of dealing with a double hernia and wearing a truss. He wants his fans to know he is well and when he gets home he will start his school of competitive eating. Learn all aspects of competitive eating: How to eat a wet roll, The 2 handed pelmeni method, Dunking the dog, Japenesing (separating the dog from bun), Learn wing stripping, Hamburger shredding, and much more will be taught by the ultimate master of competitive eating Gustoff Zhychick. Tuition will start at $10,000 for a six month course.
As you know I refused stomach bypass surgery however I will be going on a diet along with don moses this fall and will limit myself to only 2 chinese buffets a week.
Stay well,cousin chubby
***** click to hear Zhychick speak from his assistant living quarter s at Brighton beach N.Y.
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