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Monday, January 28, 2008

Don Lerman Tossed Aside Like An Old Shoe By The I.F.O.C.E.Don Lerman who recently won the lifetime achievement award , is no lon3er needed its seems in any capasity by the I.F.O.C.E. Once a top star who came to Shea communications as the Bens matzah ball Champ and helped futher the then burgening sport. has seems to hit a dead end . Lerman who hoped to make being taped as a judge for the upcoming Laredo la Costena Jalapeno contest ( since he is a former champ). says he was never contacted in any way shape or form It seem that I'm not one of their favorites , says Lerman who recently turned down a job as judge for a hot dog contest at a AAA baseball team because they were not Nathans hot dogs and being on the wall of fame he says was sort of unwritten obligation a sort of a good will ambassador, I felt it wasn't right to judge a non nathans contest . Loyalty is not rewarded says Lerman all they care about is the top 5 eaters it seems , lerman went on to say''I gave them the best years of my life , my blood my sweet and tears,and in the , I'm tossed away Like an old shoe and thats not right"....end

Don ""Moses'' Lerman as Matazh Ball Champ

If you were smart you would take any offer outside of the ifoce . Dont worry about loyalty. Were they loyal to you?
you got the raw end of the stick your whole carear, its a low down shame how they treated you.
The current top eaters will eventually be the old shoe too!
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